
Showing posts from May, 2023


Have you ever seen a siren?  Not the "mermaid" but the lightbulb.  You see them on the sides of buildings. Inside rooms.  They aren't alarmed by passive voices.  Even if you shout... You will never trigger the inner workings of the tiny box. Sirens are triggered by heat and smoke.  When the flames start, and the smoke rises to the ceiling. The lights flash and the piercing metal scream echoes through the air.  They exist as the plan.  A warning that waits for the smoke. Lately I've felt as a siren waiting on the wall for the flames.  Anticipating the end. Waiting for something, anything to happen. Whether that be good or bad. I see myself waiting for the flames. Trying to detect the smoke before it reaches me.  Sometimes its puts your heart at ease when you can see the fire. Rather than waiting in anticipation for someone to drop a match.  Hey everyone, I know its been a second where I've been gone, but I am glad to be back and writing. I have recently completed m